The Nation’s FIRST Warrior Recovery Community Organization (WARRCO)

We are the Nation’s LARGEST Certified Peer Specialist Network for Veterans, Emergency Responders, Disaster Responders, and their loved ones.

Free and confidential support for Warriors and their loved ones in their most difficult times.

Our mission is to provide aid to Military Veterans, Emergency Responders and their supporters, in order to facilitate growth, resiliency and independence.

We provide a holistic, inclusive approach to recovery, supporting all pathways to achieve a warrior’s goals.

We are a nationwide peer-based model for support and aid towards self-advocacy and community service. Our network of Peer Specialists at Recovery Community Organizations (RCOs) are certified by a state governing body, or are working towards the requirements to satisfy certification, supervised by an experienced and credentialed Recovery Peer Specialist and/or Licensed Clinician.

Certified Peer Specialists provide HIPAA confidentiality and protection by law, which fundamentally separates our programs from tens of thousands of other “peer support” programs in non-profits across the nation. We hold no contracts with the VA, DoD or EAP programs by design, so as to maintain the most amount of protection of our participants’ confidentiality.

CALL US AT: 855-434-1757

Our Supporters & Sponsors

These amazing organizations help us solve the most difficult problems for Warriors seeking recovery. We encourage you to support them as much as they support our Warrior Community!

We support ALL Pathways to Recovery

Recovery is a personal journey. Whether it’s Substance Misuse, Suicidality, Trauma, or other Mental Health issues, Project: REBIRTH will help you to obtain the resources you need. Our programs are always free and always confidential.

An innovative model & network built for Recovery Community Organizations

Project: REBIRTH is the first Accredited National Peer-Support model for Veterans & First Responders developed exclusively for Recovery Community Organizations.

Project: REBIRTH improves outreach, partnerships, efficacy, and impact of recovery outcomes and programs for Veterans, First Responders, and their loved ones.

Deeper access to funding, donations and grant opportunities exist through Veteran and First Responder programs. It further strengthens ties to public safety agencies, other governmental bodies, and the RCO’s community as whole.

The Project: REBIRTH Training for Peer Specialists at RCOs, “Walking With Warriors,” is an FCB and NAADAC accredited program, with a 6 CEU award.

Support for Warrior Families

Spouses, Children, and other loved ones of Veterans and First Responders can utilize the services of Project: REBIRTH affiliates as well.

We have targeted services, treatment centers, retreat style programming, and more to address any issue of the familial unit.

You stood by us while we were on duty, and we’ll stand by you.